Driving on sunshine – low cost, low carbon & sustainable, clean smart energy solutions powered by sunshine

Driving on Sunshine

We help our customers to generate renewable solar energy in car parks, on rooftops or underutilised land to:-

  1. Power buildings and EV charge points
  2. Reduce electricity costs and
  3. Reduce carbon emissions

We have already generated over 10 gigawatt-hours of solar power, saving our customers over £3 million in reduced energy costs. The environmental impact is equally impressive, creating enough electricity to power 3,536 households for one year and saving 2,102 tonnes of carbon, the equivalent of planting 44,993 trees.

3ti is the leading designer, funder, installer and operator of solar car parks.

At 3ti we are passionate about renewable energy and believe that providing low carbon electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is the key to decarbonising the transport sector. Where better to do that than in a car park?

3ti has a unique three technology (“3t”) approach to generating renewable energy, by integrating solar PV with battery energy storage systems and EV charge points in car parks. Solar energy from a car park is a low cost, low carbon and innovative way of powering businesses, including factories, offices, shopping centres and leisure venues. Combining it with a battery and local mains power allows 3ti to provide much needed EV charge points for customers, employees and guests.

  • Why a solar car park?
  • Reduce electricity costs
  • Secure energy supplies
  • Meet sustainability targets
  • Energy cost certainty & transparency
  • Reduce grid dependence
  • Generate renewable energy
  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Improve property EPC ratings
  • Increase asset value
  • Install EV charging infrastructure
  • Improve car park safety & security
  • Protect drivers from the elements
  • Reduce light pollution

EV charging in a solar car park
With around half of UK households unable to charge an EV at home, destination and workplace solar car parks are a cost effective, sustainable way of providing not only low carbon electricity but also charging infrastructure to support the switch to EVs. Installing a solar car park to generate
renewable energy and provide EV charge points facilitates destination and workplace charging in large numbers. This allows EV drivers to charge their vehicles whilst at work, out shopping, visiting a theme park or even at the gym!

Solar project funding
3ti funds the installation and operation of its solar car parks through a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), meaning that customers don’t have to commit to any significant capital expenditure. The PPA fixes the cost of electricity for the customer with simple monthly payments for
the power generated, delivering immediate savings, visibility of future energy costs and securing long-term energy supplies.

In a world where 82% of global energy is still derived from fossil fuels, 3ti stands as a beacon of hope and innovation. Our mission is to get businesses and vehicles ‘Driving on Sunshine®’ by deploying large-scale solar arrays in car parks, on underutilised land and rooftops whilst also
growing an extensive, reliable EV charging network with our easy to install, multi-award winning pop-up, mini solar car park, Papilio3.

Please get in touch if you would like more advice on our solar and EV charging infrastructure solutions or to visit one of our many sites across the UK.

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